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Ian Stewart – World Record Magician

April 19 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What do you get when you combine magic, chain saws, mentalism, and incredible speed? You get one truly unforgettable evening with Ian Stewart – World Record Magician!

Ian Stewart is a standout when it comes to making unforgettable events. Using his distinctive mix of unique magic, mind-blowing mentalism, engaging audience participation and non-stop comedy, Ian creates experiences that linger in people’s minds long after the night is over!

Prepare to witness the awe-inspiring magic that earned Ian the coveted world record for being the fastest magician of all time! Throw in a dash of juggling and a sprinkling of jaw-dropping stunts, and you have a proven recipe for unforgettable fun!


April 19
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category: